Sunday, November 16, 2014

Practice - Principles - Person

Another Lesson Learned: Its not good enough to teach people the PRACTICE (methods) of disciple-making. Even if that is where we begin, we have to eventually get to the PRINCIPLES behind PRACTICE. And its not good enough to teach people the PRINCIPLES. We must teach them about the PERSON (Jesus) behind the PRINCIPLES. Its all a process and takes time. But if we never arrive at Jesus, we have completely failed.

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Bad Theological Math vs Good Theological Math

Bad Math

Priest > Disciple > Convert

Good Math

 Priest = Disciple = Convert

Bad Math

(Jesus = Build the Church) + (Disciples = Make Disciples) = Kingdom Growth

Good Math

(Jesus + Disciples = Build the Church) + (Disciples + Jesus = Make Disciples) = Kingdom Growth

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