Saturday, February 25, 2012


And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.
(John 8:32)

I was elbow deep in cleaning the sixth commode of the morning. As a Private, cleaning toilets was now a major part of my life-style. This was not exactly what I was aiming for when I dropped out of High School and joined the Army. I wanted to get away from home and be free. Free!? Somehow cleaning toilets didn’t seem very liberating. But, as I obeyed my leaders and grew as a soldier, it became a perfect fit for me (and I got to do a lot more than clean the latrine). Being a soldier is not for everyone but the truth is. Jesus tells us if we start practicing what He says, we will know the truth and it will set us free. On the outset it may not look like freedom but more like a bunch of rules. As we grow in the truth by obeying His word, we are liberated from things that enslave us. Following Him brings us into a perfect fit with our Creator and this truly sets us free!

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Saturday, February 18, 2012


So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine
(John 8:31)

Have you ever tried to take a grilled cheese sandwich apart? I dare you. Just try and separate the bread from the cheese after they have been grilled together. You end up with a grilled cheese messwich. That’s exactly what happens when you try and separate being a disciple of Jesus and obeying His word. According to Jesus Himself, there's no such thing as a disciple who doesn't study, know, and practice His word. To illustrate this, I ask guys to hold up their hand in front of them, as I do the same. Then I ask them to follow the motions of my hand with theirs. It's really pretty easy. Then I ask them to close their eyes and follow my hand. Impossible! You must be able to see Jesus in order to follow Him. To see Him today, we must get into the Word. Then we can adequately follow Him. Make it a daily habit to read the Scriptures.

Photo by Dave Frahm

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Monday, February 13, 2012


But He said to him, “Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.”
(Luke 9:59–60)

It has finally happened to me! The uncontrollable urge to tell everyone I meet about my grandchildren. I used to think this was an annoying quirk I had to endure when I was around old people. But now I’m finding that even as a young guy, I’m having a blast! I’ll even show pictures to perfect strangers! I don’t have to work hard at bringing the grandkids into the conversation. I’ll just naturally cram it into what ever we’re talking about. Jesus says His disciples are a lot like zealous grandparents – they want to make sure everyone around them knows about the Kingdom of God. They will go across the street or across the ocean. They will talk to a friend or a foreigner. They will tell you about the King and His rule morning, noon, and night. Grandparents and disciples of Jesus have one thing in common – they will tell you about their passion!

Did I mention this picture is of our grandson for whom I'm praying - that he will know the King and advance His Kingdom? And did I mention we have two more grandbabies on the way? Just thought you needed to know :)

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Wednesday, February 08, 2012


As they were going along the road, someone said to Him, “I will follow You wherever You go.” And Jesus said to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” (Luke 9:57–58)

I was watching the news during the invasion of Iraq and I saw some soldiers sleeping on the ground in the middle of a sandstorm. I have always marveled at the commitment of soldiers and the level of discomfort they endure as part of their profession. But you know, the disciple of Jesus is called to the same forfeiture of comfort for the sake of the mission. Jesus was constantly on the move and sleeping heaven knows where. He gives ample warning to the would-be follower, “I don’t even have a place to lay My head”. He calls His disciples out of their “comfort zones” and into the battle for the souls of men and women. He calls us to a life of blood, sweat, and tears for the sake of His kingdom. Just like the soldier, a disciple can expect discomfort to be a part of the job description.

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Saturday, February 04, 2012


And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”
(Luke 9:23)

Another piece of chocolate cake, a second glance at that pretty girl, buying that new car I can’t afford, harboring anger toward a friend, skipping that workout, or super gluing my friends shoes to the floor – all things I ought to say "no" to. Winning those little battles in our heads is essential to following Christ. But a life of "no’s" would be a miserable existence at best. Jesus gives us ample opportunity to say "yes"yes to following His ways, yes to loving others, yes to serving the less fortunate, yes to helping another follow Him, yes to accepting the love He has for us, yes to forgiveness and mercy. That is the abundant life. Jesus has far better plans for our lives than we do. But we need to practice the art of saying "no" to the flesh, world, and our spiritual enemy – and "yes" to Him.

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