Friday, January 15, 2016

Houston, we have a Problem!

Lesson Learned: Houston, we have a Problem! I find there are basically three responses to the way we plant churches; 1) "That's not a real church!" 2) "Sure I'll PLAY church with you on Tuesday night. But I'm going to go to my REAL church on Sunday morning." 3) "This is my church! My family!" Good ecclesiology can answer the first response but it's the second response we are really having trouble with. It’s probably because its more of an unstated philosophical response than anything else. Here's one solution to the problem; move your church meeting to Sunday morning. Just like Apollo 13 had to use the gravitational pull of the moon to slingshot back to earth to solve their oxygen problem, we are using the gravitational pull of tradition to solve our commitment and loyalty to a local family problem. Once people understand that the church can meet anytime and anyplace, we can shift to what ever meets the need of the family. This will free Sunday AM up for the next generational church struggling with the pull of tradition.

PS. I'm not against another church meeting on Sunday morning no matter where it meets but let's help people get beyond tradition and consumerism and move toward "healthy church."

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