A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, But a man of understanding draws it out. (Proverbs 20:5)
A modern proverb says, “We do what’s inspected, not what’s expected.” And just like other proverbs, although not absolute, it is a good general description of the human heart. Understanding the human condition and its tendencies is essential to being a Master Builder. We must study those that we plan to help and train. We intensely observe their personalities, their pasts, their dreams, and their values. To do less would only be naive and lead to some gross miscalculations in the disciplemaking process.
This is why it is so important to make appropriate application of grace and truth in a person’s life. They need both! Giving a person grace without the truth is actually a form of unintended hate. It denies the person of the knowledge and accountability needed to glorify God. Presenting truth without grace crushes the spirit under the weight of perfection and inability to ever measure up to its standard. Jesus came full of grace and truth and we’d do well to do the same. (Jn 1.14, 17)
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