Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Call of Moses (Ex 12.12-22)
Help our young Army leaders place their reputations squarely in Your hands
May we live in the promises given by the Great “I AM” to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Help our men and women be good ambassadors of the life of Christ and the Kingdom
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Observations from the Call of Moses (Ex 13.12-22)
God gives Moses a sign in order to authenticate his call among the people 12
God give His identity as part of the authentication “I AM” 13
He again connects Himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 15
He calls Moses to work through the elders (subordinate leaders) 16
God makes Moses’ calling a herald of good news 17
God gives Moses very specific instructions as part of his calling 18
Success is not contingent on how well Moses performs his duties, God the Father will make it happen 18-20
God is in charge of our reputation and welfare 21-22
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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved
The Call of Moses (Ex 12.12-22)
Help our young Army leaders place their reputations squarely in Your hands
May we live in the promises given by the Great “I AM” to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Help our men and women be good ambassadors of the life of Christ and the Kingdom
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Observations from the Call of Moses (Ex 13.12-22)
God gives Moses a sign in order to authenticate his call among the people 12
God give His identity as part of the authentication “I AM” 13
He again connects Himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 15
He calls Moses to work through the elders (subordinate leaders) 16
God makes Moses’ calling a herald of good news 17
God gives Moses very specific instructions as part of his calling 18
Success is not contingent on how well Moses performs his duties, God the Father will make it happen 18-20
God is in charge of our reputation and welfare 21-22
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Friday, October 30, 2009
Exodus 3.1-11
Pray that our men and women will use their calling to the military as an opportunity to advance the gospel in the Army
For Deb and I’s safe travel to Ft Benning
Thank God for a very productive 58 days on the road for His Kingdom
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Observations on the Call of God on Moses (Ex 3.1 – 11)
The call of God was accessible 3.1-3
It was mystical/miraculous 2-3
It aroused curiosity 3
God spoke to Moses through the Angel of the LORD and the burning bush 4
God spoke to Moses and Moses responded 4
There’s something holy about the matter around the presence of God 5
It was important for God to associate himself with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 6
Moses responded with fear 6
The calling is directly associated with helping some people and judging others 7-10
Moses questioned his own identity in being able to perform God’s calling 11
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Thursday, October 29, 2009
Message at Fort Bragg
Pray for my time at Ft Bragg
For all our Army ministries to be Christ centered
Soldiers would continue to connect with our ministries as they PCS
For Ft Bragg (Staff: Tom and Paula Hess, David and Marilyn Coffield, John and Jess Snyder, Doug and Kim Cote, Ben and Betts Kayser, Chuck and Sherril Trego)
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What I am going to share with the Ft Bragg Leadership on 29 Oct 09
Lessons from my travels throughout the Army work
Christocentric living and ministry 1 Cor 2.2
Appropriate applications of Grace and Truth Jn 1.14,17
Gossip destroys the ministry (Past Practices) Prov 6.19
Unity equals synergy Ecc 4.9-11, Amos 3.3 (Networking)
A vision for the generations reaches the generations 2 Tim 2.2
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
John 21.19b-25
Help us to see the model Jesus has showed us clearly and to walk the way He walked (1 John 2.6)
Help us not to compare ourselves to others or to worry about things in others lives that belong to God
For Chuck and Deb’s time at Fort Bragg
Pray for Fort Riley that we would have a Bible study started there by insiders. And for the young couple who is considering coming on staff and making Ft Riley their new ministry.
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Observations from John 21.19-25
Jesus tells Peter to Follow Him even when He knows in a short time He will no longer be with him 19b
He helps Peter focus on his own life by telling him not to worry about John but to follow Him 22
Jesus did so much more than is written 25
That wraps the Gospel of John. My objective in going through the gospel this time was just to capture the actions and words of Jesus. It has drawn me closer to Him and challenged me to be more like Him. Next time I’d like to capture the actions and the words of the disciples as they follow Him.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
John 21.15-19a
Help us to love Jesus more than anyone or anything
Help us to demonstrate that love for Him by loving people
For Wisdom and guidance as we form the Navigators' Army Leadership Team
Pray for Fort Sam Houston (Staff: Bruce and Kandi Stopher, Bud Nelson)
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Observations from John 21.15-19
Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him more than the other disciples 15
He told Peter to demonstrate it by helping Jesus’ disciples grow 15
He asked Peter a second time, “do you love Me?” and says “Tend My Sheep” 16
He asks him a third time and says “Feed My Sheep” 17
Jesus tells Peter what his life will look like in the end 18
He says he wont be in charge of his own day to day chores 18
Jesus somehow explains the type of death Peter will experience 19
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Monday, October 26, 2009
John 21.1-14
Pray for Tina Fajardo in the Ft Lewis Ministry – She has had a very serious allergic reaction that has put her in ICU
Help us recognize Jesus and His works in our day-to-day duties
Lord demonstrate your power in those things that are familiar to us
Pray for Fort Sill (Staff: Chris and Kimberly Bean)
Answer to prayer: On 17 October we prayed for the West Point retreat we held last weekend – it went exceptionally well
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Observations from John 21.1-14
Jesus showed Himself to His Disciples after the resurrection 1-14
He showed Himself as they were fishing 4-6
He gave them a miraculous catch, this was the second time 6
When He did this His disciples recognized Him 7
He made and served breakfast for them 9, 12, 13
He tells them to bring some of the fish they caught 10
John felt like it was important to record the number of fish (153) 11
Jesus revealed Himself to the Disciples 3 times 14
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Sunday, October 25, 2009
John 20.19-30
That we would enjoy your Shalom
We would consider ourselves “sent” to the US Army
Pray for Fort Hood (Lauris and Rhonda Shepherd, Art and Robin Allen, Kurt and Julia Diederich)
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Observations from John 20.19-30
Jesus enters a room in which the doors were locked 19
He offers the greeting of the day Shalom 19
He proved His identity by His wounds 20
He reemphasizes the fact that He’s sending them 21
He gave them the Holy Spirit 22
He gives them power to forgive or not forgive sins 23
Jesus appeared in a place where the doors were locked again 26
He proved Himself to Thomas 27
Jesus says that those who haven’t seen Him and believe will be more blessed 29
He did many signs in the period between the resurrection and the ascension 30
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Friday, October 23, 2009
John 20.1-18
Give us the quiet confidence that you are able to do above and beyond our wildest expectations
As we live in community let us experience the individual attention You grant us in His unfathomable love
Pray for Fort Irwin and Huachuca that we will have insiders start Bible studies at each post
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Observations from John 20.1-18
Jesus took time to fold the face cloth and place it in it’s own place 7
Jesus had such faith and assurance that the resurrection was probably like waking up on a good morning 1-10
Jesus’ experience of the resurrection lacked the confusion and franticness of the disciples realization of the resurrection 1-10
Jesus is so unassuming when He enters Mary’s presence 15
He simply calls her name to help her recognize her16
He calls the His disciples His brothers 17
He calls God His Father and their Father 17
He says He will ascend to the Father 17
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
John 19.38-42
Help us to be the kind of disciples that are not secretive but lights to the world
Help those soldiers who are friendly toward the gospel fully embrace it
Pray for Fort Bliss (Staff: Rusty and El Bean, Allan and Tiffany Taylor, and Stephanie Ruwet)
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Observations from John 19.38-42
Jesus had secret disciples 38
Jesus had friends among the religious leaders 39
He had wealthy friends 39
He had friends with connections to the government 38-39
He was confirmed dead by well to do, intelligent, well-connected friends 40-42
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
John 19.25-37
That we would fulfill His will even in suffering
Lord, help us to complete the purposes you have given to us here on earth
Pray for Presidio Monterey, Naval Post Grad School and the Defense Language Institute (Staff: Bob and Char Reehm, Dave and Naomi Beskow)
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Observations from John 19.25-37
Jesus took care of His mom by entrusting her to John 25-27
He was concerned about others even in excruciating pain and on the verge of death 25-27
He was cognizant of Scripture and His role in fulfilling it even on the cross 28-30
He completed His mission 30
The people were in a hurry to serve God on a Holy day so they tried to expedite the death of His Son 31-34
Jesus had witnesses that He actually died 35
He fulfilled Scripture in His death 36-37
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
John 19.1-24
Help us to act like You when we are persecuted
That we will have a firm grasp of the sovereignty of God and live our lives accordingly
Pray for Ft Lewis (Staff: Andrew and Cindy Stroud, Wesley and Johnena Drake, Jamie Fisher, and my son Wes Wood)
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Observations from John 19.1-24
Jesus the creator allowed His creation to mock and torture Him 1-5
He understood the sovereignty of God completely 11
He spoke on an economy of sin (greater vs lesser sins) 11
He was rejected as King 12-16
Jesus the creator allowed His creation to crucify Him 17-23
He fulfilled the prophecies even when He could not manipulate the circumstances 23-24
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Monday, October 19, 2009
John 18.33-40
We would embrace Kingdom values rather than worldly values
That we would be people of the truth
Pray for Ft Carson (Nav Staff: Felix & Amor Colonnieves, Joel and Donna Yourkowski, Don and Susan Hankins, Bob and Betty Lovvond, Michael Noel)
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Observations from John 18.33-40
Jesus asked powerful men penetrating questions 33-34
He defines His Kingdom as different from the Kingdom of the world 35-36
He says His servants wont fight to keep Him from the cross 36
Jesus said He was born for the purpose of witnessing to the truth 37
He says everyone who embraces the truth listens to Him 37
He was acknowledged by Pilate as the King of the Jews 39
His own people rejected Him 40
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Sunday, October 18, 2009
John 18.25-32
Help us not to deny the Lord Jesus neither through word or action
Help us to affirm His lordship in our lives before men
Pray for the selection of the two remaining Navigator Service Directors (Air Force and Navy)
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Observations from John 18.25-32
Jesus was denied 3 times by His leading disciple 23-27
Jesus was tried by both a religious and a civil court 28-32
He always knew what kind of death He would die 32
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Saturday, October 17, 2009
John 18.12-23
Help us to be true to the faith even when we are with powerful people
Pray for the Staff, Laborers, and Soldiers at Fort Campbell, Knox, and Leonard Wood
For the up-coming West Point Fall Conference next weekend and the 3 messages I will give to the cadets
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Observations from John 18.12-23
Jesus was arrested and bound 12
He was taken to some of the most powerful men in the country 13
Jesus was followed by two of His disciples (Peter and John) to His “trial” 15
Somehow Jesus’ disciple, John, was known by the High Priest 15
Peter denies Jesus 17
Jesus was questioned by the High Priest 19
Jesus said that what He said was public knowledge 20
He tells the Priest to ask the people who heard Him 21
Apparently Jesus’ answer sounded derogatory 22
A man struck God 22
Jesus’ response gave no cause to be struck 23
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Friday, October 16, 2009
An Easier Way to be Encouraged by Our Prayer Efforts
When you pray for the Army Work just click on the link below. This is much easier than leaving a comment. If you’d like to leave a comment you’re welcome to. Our goal is to have a 100 people praying for the Army Navigator Work on a daily basis.
Thanks so much for praying!
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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved
John 18.1-11
Pray that our men and women would follow Jesus' example and obey God even when it is not convenient or safe
Pray for me as I assume the duties as the new Director of Army Navigator Ministries in January 2010
Pray for our men and women who are sharing the gospel of Jesus with their fellow soldiers for boldness and love
Observations from John 18.1-11
Jesus went to a garden after the supper 1
Judas knew where the garden was because Jesus had come there often with His disciples 2
Judas led an armed cohort to capture Jesus at night 3
Jesus knew everything that would happen to Him 4
Jesus asked the group with ill intent “Whom do you seek?” 4
Jesus admitted to being the one they were looking for 5
Jesus gave them His identity and they drew back and fell down 6
He asked the a second time, “Whom do you seek?” 7
He gave His identity again and asked them to let His disciples to go 8
Jesus was living and enacting prophecy from the Scriptures 9
He rebuked Peter for trying to protect Him 10-11
Jesus was committed to going to the cross because it was the Fathers will 11
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
John 17.20-26
Pray for the Navigator Staff and Laborers at Fort Sill, Hood, and Bliss will continue to be richly blessed for the Kingdom sake
That we will be unified in the Army work in such a way that it glorifies God and leads men and women to Him
That the Love of God and Jesus Himself will be seen in us
Observations from John 17.20-26
Jesus doesn’t just pray for the 11, but for all who will believe through their testimony 20
He prays for our unity to be like the God-head’s unity 21
He prays that our unity will lead to a world believing the Father sent Jesus 21
He prays the same glory given to Him will be given to the disciples for the sake of unity 22 (So God does share His glory!)
He prays for perfect oneness between God and those who believe in Him 23
He prays unity will lead to others believing the Father sent the Son 23
He expresses His desire for His Disciples to be with Him in heaven 24
He prays that they will see the glory that was given to Him 24
He acknowledges that the Father has loved Him since the foundation of the earth 24
He calls the Father righteous 25
He says the world doesn’t know the Father but He does 25
He says the disciples have believed that Jesus was sent by God 25
He says He made God’s name known and will continue to make it known to the disciples 26
He prays the love of God and Jesus Himself will be in them 26
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
John 17.15-17
Lord protect us as we enter the Army to proclaim your Name
Help us to help others to saturate themselves in truth (the Word of God)
As sent ones, we would follow Your model closely as we speak the gospel boldly
Observations from John 17.15-17
Jesus didn’t ask for His disciples to be taken out of the world 15
He ask the Father to protect them from the evil one 15
He says they are the same as He, not of the world just as He is not of the world 16
He asked the Father to sanctify them in truth 17
He says the Father’s word is truth 17
He says they are the same as He, as He was sent into the world, He sent them into the world 18
He consecrated Himself for His disciples so that they be sanctified in truth 19
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
John 17.12-14
Lord protect those in the Army work both physically and spiritually
Help us to be so saturated with your Word we are flooded with Your joy
Give us the ability to love others when hated
(yesterday's prayer count 2 of 100. Leave your initials or thoughts in the comments at
Observations from John 17.12-14
Jesus says that He protected the disciples in the Father’s name that was given to Jesus 12
He says the only one He couldn’t protect was the one prophesied of in the Scriptures to be the son of destruction 12
He is praying out load so that the disciples may have His joy 13
He says He has given them the Father’s word 14
He says the world hates them because they don’t belong to the world 14
He says His disciples are just like Him, not of the world 14
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Monday, October 12, 2009
John 17.6-11
Those in the Army work would see Jesus on par with the Father
We would find those lost sheep that belong to the Father and Jesus
That we as an Army would have the same unity as the Father and Jesus did
Observations from John 17.6-11
Jesus made the Father’s name known to those whom the Father had given Him 6
He says these people belonged to the Father and were given to Him by the Father 6
He says they kept the Father’s word 6
He says Now they know 7
He says they know everything given to Jesus is from the Father 7
He gave them the words of the Father 8
He says the disciples received these words and believe that Jesus came from the Father 8
Jesus is praying for them, the ones given to Him 9
He is not praying for the world 9
He’s praying for the ones who belong to the Father 9
He says All who belong to the Father belong to Him 10
Jesus says He’s glorified in His Disciples 10
He says He is no longer in the world but His disciple are in the world 11
He tells the Father He is coming to Him 11
He asks the Father to keep them in His name 11
He wants His disciples to be unified as He and the Father are unified 11
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Praise God for an excellent time with the Ft Hood gang and an inspiring South Central Conference!
That the folks who attended the conference will apply some of the things they learned this weekend
Pray for Deb and I's travels and visit to Ft Sill
Thanks for praying for the Army Ministry. We had 5 of 100 praying for us yesterday. Remember to leave your initials or prayers in the comments.
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Friday, October 09, 2009
Calling All Prayer Warriors
Calling All Prayer Warriors
I want to recruit 100 people to pray for the Navigator Army Ministry on a daily basis. One of the ways I would like to encourage our men and women laboring among our soldiers is by showing a tangible effort on our part to pray for them. If you’ve noticed I’ve posted on my Blog a new format including Prayers of the Day. Would you please consider joining our prayer team and help us advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the Army, the Nation, and the Nations.
If you’d like to join the team, please leave a comment in the comment section below each blog entry (even if its just your initials) at . This will give a good indicator of how we are doing. Thanks for praying for us!
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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved
John 16.29-33
Help us remember that Jesus has overcome the world
Embolden our faith as we read and trust your words
Help us to pass on this great confidence in the person of Jesus Christ as our example for life and ministry
Observations on John 16.29-33
Jesus had quite the impact on the Disciples when He started speaking plainly (would it have been the same if He hadn’t started with the mysterious approach?) 29
Jesus had laid the ground work for faith with His words and works but now makes it easier on them as He speaks plainly 30
It seems Jesus did not have complete confidence in their faith by His response to their statement 31-32
He predicts that they will abandon Him 32
He expresses His confidence and peace in the Father 32
Although He may not have complete confidence in their faith, He intends His words for the bolstering of their faith and encouragement in times of trouble 33
Jesus has overcome the world 33
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
John 16.12-15
As disciplers we will know when to be quiet
As disciplers we will be acutely aware of the intake abilities of the disciples
That the HS will reveal the Truth to us
John 16.12-15
Jesus had a lot to say to the disciples 12
He didn’t tell them everything because they could not handle it 12
He was aware of their inability to take in any more information 12
He depends on the HS to reveal more information later 13
He Calls the HS the Spirit of Truth 13
He says He only speaks what the Father wants 13
He says the HS will tell them the future 13
He says the HS’s job is to glorify Him (Jesus) 14
He will reveal things of Jesus to them 14
He says the Father gives info to the Son and the Son to the HS 15
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Monday, October 05, 2009
John 16.1-11
That we would listen carefully to the words of Jesus and we wouldn’t fall away
The Father would protect us from the world but we’d be willing to be persecuted for the Name of Jesus
That the Holy Spirit will work powerfully in us and the people around us
Observations on John 16.1-11
Jesus spoke these words to keep the disciples from falling away 1
He says they will ostracize them from religious meetings 2
He says people will think they are doing God a favor by killing His disciples 2
He says the world does these things because the world doesn’t know Him or the Father 3
He spoke these things so that at the right time they will remember 4
He didn’t tell these things because He was with them 4
He tells them He’s going to be with the Father 5
He says none is asking where is He going 5 (?)
He spoke these things and it made them sad 6
He said it was to their advantage that He’s going away because they will have the HS 7
He says when the HS comes He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment 8
He says the HS will convict of sin because they don’t believe in Jesus 9
He says the HS will convict of righteousness because He’s leaving to be with the Father 10
He says the HS will convict of judgment because Satan has been judged 9
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Saturday, October 03, 2009
John 15.12-17
· Our ministries would be known for loving one another
· That we would go and bear fruit that remains
· I would speak well at a fund raising banquet for the Ft Bliss Ministry tonight and people would be generous
Observations on John 15.12-17
Jesus commands us to love one another the way He loved us 12
He says there is no greater love than to lay down your life for friends 13
He tells them they are His friends if they do (obey) what He commanded 14
He doesn’t call them slaves any more 15
He says slaves have no knowledge of what a master is doing 15
He calls them friends because He has made know the Father’s words 15
Jesus says he chose them 16
He appointed them to go and bear fruit that would remain 16
He says this so that what ever we pray to the Father in His name He will give us 16
He reiterates His command to love one another 17
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