Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jesus in Colossians (2.13-23)

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 26/100)

Pray that Jesus Christ and His eminence would be our sole aim in life and ministry

Pray that we would die to the principles of the world and live in Jesus

Pray for Fort Bragg (Staff: Dennis and Shirley Abell, Sue Alspach, Dave and Marilyn Coffield, Doug and Kim Cote, John and Jeannie Hamilton, Tom and Paula Hess, Ben and Betts Kayser, David and Karen Linquist, Alonzo and Dana Murray, John and Jess Snyder, Chuck and Sherril Trego)

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Jesus in Colossians (2.13-23)

He becomes our life as we are joined together with Him by God 13

He paid the legal penalty for our sins on the cross 14

He has overcome all rulers and authorities 15

He is the realization of theology, religion, tradition, and mystery given by God 17

He is the Head of the body, the Church 19

He is the reason we die to the elementary principles of the world 20

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