“If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.”
(John 13:14–15)
It was going to be a long night -- especially since there would be no sleep involved. On top of that I had missed dinner. I was looking at the double whammy of sleeplessness and hunger pains for the next 12 hours. But just as I had resolved to be miserable for the duration, my friend Randy and his wife Carol brought me a huge home cooked fried chicken dinner. Randy had taken me under his wing and was discipling me. One of the things he was good at was seeing a need and meeting it. He showed me how to be a servant and love people into the kingdom. I ate that meal more than 30 years ago and I've never forgotten that act of kindness. Jesus calls His disciples to serve those around them in powerful ways. Let’s serve others the way He served us.
(John 13:14–15)
It was going to be a long night -- especially since there would be no sleep involved. On top of that I had missed dinner. I was looking at the double whammy of sleeplessness and hunger pains for the next 12 hours. But just as I had resolved to be miserable for the duration, my friend Randy and his wife Carol brought me a huge home cooked fried chicken dinner. Randy had taken me under his wing and was discipling me. One of the things he was good at was seeing a need and meeting it. He showed me how to be a servant and love people into the kingdom. I ate that meal more than 30 years ago and I've never forgotten that act of kindness. Jesus calls His disciples to serve those around them in powerful ways. Let’s serve others the way He served us.