When Jesus describes the sower in the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4.1-20), he is casting seed (the Word) in such a way that it is falling on all types of soil. It’s a picture of one who is sowing the gospel so aggressively and indiscriminately that the seed is bound to find good soil. Then when the seed does find good soil it multiplies and reproduces itself 30, 60, 100 times what sown. This should be our approach to sharing the gospel.
Sowing the gospel begins with talking to friends, family, co-workers in the places where we live, work and play. As our relational networks are saturated with the good news, we move into an apostolic mode of inserting ourselves into new relational networks helping insiders saturate their own relational networks with the news of Jesus and His kingdom (Matthew 10, Luke 10).
Not only will our span of influence increase but our ability to communicate the gospel increases as well. We may start with a simple invitation to join a gathering, or share our story of how we started following Christ, to being able to answer technical questions about the faith. The key is to start sharing what you know and helping others do the same. As you and your fellow disciples mature, you will become more proficient at sharing the gospel. Remember it is God Who brings men and women to Himself (John 6.44) and we must completely rely on the Holy Spirit for true conversion.
Jesus said the natural by product of following Him would be that we would become fishers of men (Matthew 4.19). Evangelism is the responsibility of every believer but when a Disciple-Making Community practices this principle the results can be stunning. It’s the difference between fishing with a pole verses fishing with a net.If you'd like help developing a Disciple-Making Community, please contact me at charleswood1 at Gmail.
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