Friday, June 14, 2013

Principle #6 - Relational Potency and Accountability (Help Many, Train a Few)

Jesus ministered to a lot of people but no one had more time with Jesus than His closest 12 (and even among them there were the 3 - Peter, James, and John). As we are limited in the flesh by time, space, and energy, Jesus ministered to others under the same limitations. He left us an example of how to go deep with a few for the sake of the many (Mark 3.14). We must never lose sight of the fact that its quality that will reach quantity not vice versa. The crowd would have tempted Jesus to enjoy the fruit of his popularity by making Him king but He disciplined Himself to focus His concentration on the few (John 6.15). This in no way minimizes the needs of the masses but in fact is the remedy. The Apostle Paul picked up on this principle when he exhorts Timothy to "instruct faithful men who will teach others also" (2 Timothy 2.2). One of the most important elements of staying small and concentrating on a few is the element of accountability. Preachers rarely have the time or ability to come back around and see if the instruction that was given was actually applied. In smaller groups this is much more achievable. Smaller groups are also more likely to feel loved and have particular needs met by their discipler. We must consider the needs of the many just as Jesus did but it cannot be at their expense or the next generation by failing to train fellow laborers in the harvest.
If you'd like help developing a Disciple-Making Community, please contact me at charleswood1 at Gmail.
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