Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Job Description

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 11/100)

Lord, help us to do the kind of ministry that will bring You glory in the Army, the Nation, and the Nations. And give us the wisdom to look to Jesus as our ultimate example for how one ought to live and glorify God. We pray for the men and women at Fort Sill. (Staff: Chris and Kimberly Bean)

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Our Job Description

“But, indeed, for this reason I have allowed you to remain, in order to show you My power and in order to proclaim My name through all the earth.” (Exodus 9:16)

Have you ever worked for a boss who never told you what he really wanted you to do? That can be frustrating. I think many Christians live their lives with the same frustration. Some folks really have no clue what God expects. When Moses was trying to convince Pharaoh to “let My people go,” Pharaoh just didn’t get it. Here’s what I think our job description is in a nutshell: Glorify God by becoming like Jesus. Glorifying God is what was expected of Pharaoh and what's expected of us (Isa. 43:7, 1 Cor. 10:31). The only way to do that today is by following Jesus, who was the only One who actually glorified God completely (Jn. 17:4, Jn. 14:6, 1 Jn. 2:6). It’s a lot easier to do a job right when you know what's expected.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

100% and Then Some

The Army Navigators Centurion Prayer Team (21 people of 100 prayed yesterday)

Father help us to trust deeply in Your grace that has made us perfect in Your sight through the shed blood of Your Son. But also help us obey You out of a deep appreciation for the position of perfection You have placed us in. (Staff: Mark and Jennifer Read, Brandon and Jeneil Russell)

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100% and Then Some

“Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)

The Ranger Creed says that “I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.” How can one give more than a hundred percent? It’s an impossibility and yet it encapsulates an attitude of commitment and thoroughness. But if you think that’s impossible, wait till you hear what Jesus has to say, “Be perfect like God.” How could anyone reach perfection? Actually, it's is very possible. And it's more than just and attitude. When we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and entrust our lives to Him, He gives us the righteousness of God Himself. “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”(2 Corinthians 5:21). Although we may not act like it, the mantle of perfection is placed on us in Christ.

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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved

Sunday, February 07, 2010

What about the Pygmies in Africa?

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 21/100)

Lord Jesus, help us to find those who’s hearts you are stirring, speak to those who’s hearts we are meant to stir, and enlist the help of those who you have stirred to the point of investing their lives in Your Kingdom. We pray for the soldiers of Fort Lewis (Staff: Andrew and Cindy Stroud, Isaac and Lindsay Fones)

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What about the Pygmies in Africa?

Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike. Far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly?” (Genesis 18:25)

Have you ever been challenged with the question, “What about the Pygmies in Africa? Do they go to Hell because they have never heard about Jesus?” This is a perplexing question when it’s really given some thought. The question springs out of our natural sense of justice. “Is it fair for God to send someone to Hell if they never had the opportunity to hear and receive the good news of Jesus?" There’s a lot of theological answers to this one but this is the answer I give. “God loves thosePygmies more than you or I ever could and I’m sure He will do the right thing by them.” Now the burden rests squarely on the justness of God and His character and not my interpretation of what'sfair. The bottom line: God always does the right thing and we can rest in that.

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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 06, 2010

After the Storm

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 26/100)

Lord, we know bad things happen to good and bad people. We know the good things happen to both too. So give us the perspective that You are in control and that we will trust You to bring glory to Yourself no matter what the circumstances. We pray for Fort Leavenworth (Staff: Paul and Sarah Oh, Geoff and Carla Kuhlman)

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After the Storm

“Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, For my soul takes refuge in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge Until destruction passes by.” (Psalms 57:1)

When I was the Chaplain at Ranger School I saw a lot of “conversions.” But to be quite frank, most guys put God in their duffle bag when they graduated. Then they would conveniently pull Him out again when trouble came their way. They would treat God like a fire hose, only to be used in case of emergencies. The key to a continuous walk with Jesus is having the resolve to commune with Him at all times, good and bad. David prayed that God would be with him until the storm passed (Ps. 57:1). If the Psalm ended there, I think it would be a great tragedy. But the Psalmist goes on to express his continued relationship with God. David was more than a fair or foul weather believer. Let’s walk with God no matter what.

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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Getting Worse Before it Gets Better

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 35/100)

Father, we trust You with the work You are doing in our lives and in the lives of the men and women we minister to. When the unexplainable happens, when the tough things come, and when there is more brokenness than healing, we acknowledge Your sovereignty and love. We pray for all our Army ministries because we know there is pain and struggles among those we help to follow Jesus. Give them the trust and stamina to see Your hand in it all. We pray for the soldiers at Camp Merrill (Staff: Bob and Mary Foster)

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Getting Worse Before it Gets Better

“Then Moses returned to the LORD and said, “O Lord, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did You ever send me? “Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done harm to this people, and You have not delivered Your people at all.”” (Exodus 5:22–23)

When I was a brand new follower of Jesus, I believed in a very prevalent theology, “Come to Jesus and it will all be better.” Within a month. I had slipped a disc in my back, lost the confidence of my men at work, and totaled my car. I knew the Christian life wouldn’t be a bed of roses, but come on! Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. But this is all in God’s plan to mold us and shape us into the men or women we were meant to be. He is also doing a work around us in others. Moses must have thought that God gave him a raw deal, but His glory would soon be revealed and Moses vindicated. Be patient. Hang in there. The Father has your best interest at heart and in the end, it will be better.

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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Jesus in the Gospel of John (21.1-25)

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 37/100)

Father, create circumstances in our lives that will reveal Your power. Give us testimonies that demonstrate our intimate interaction with the One who has created all things so that men and women will believe our report about Jesus. We pray for the soldiers at Fort Knox (Staff: Keith and Andrea Bester, Lance and Dorothy Platt, Jim and Rachel Webster)

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Jesus in the Gospel of John (21.1-25)

Jesus manifested Himself again 1

He created a past circumstance of catching fish to reveal Himself to the disciples 4-7

He called His disciples (grown men) children 5

He commands them to cast the net on the other side of the boat 6

He caused a miraculous catch of fish 6

He made breakfast for the disciples 9-12

He manifested Himself at least three times to the disciples after His resurrection 14

He asks Simon Peter three times if he loved Him 15-17

He told Peter to tend His sheep 15

He told Peter to shepherd His sheep 16

He told Peter to tend His sheep 17

He predicted Peter’s elderly years and death 18-19

He re-issues His command to Peter, “Follow Me” 19

He doesn’t let Peter deflect Him from the main point 20-22

He could be the subject of writing that the world could not contain 25

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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Jesus in the Gospel of John (20.19-31)

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 19/100)

Lord, help us to believe even though we do not see. By the power of Your Holy Spirit guide us to those who would follow You and would walk by faith and not by sight. We pray for the men and women at Fort Hood (Staff: Art and Robin Allen, Kurt and Julia Diederich, Scott and Jean Grant, Mike and Christy Runey, Lauris and Rhonda Shepherd)

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Jesus in the Gospel of John (20.19-31)

Jesus passed through locked doors 19

He says peace be with you 19

He proved His identity by His wounds 20

He says peace be with you again 21

He reminds them that as the Father sent Him, He is sending them 21

He breathed on them the Holy Spirit 22

He gave them the rights for absolution of sins 23

He visited the disciples again in His resurrected body eight days later 26

He again passed through shut doors 26

He again says peace be with you 26

He bids Thomas to test His wounds as evidence to His identity 27

He is call God by Thomas and He doesn’t refute the claim 28

He puts a premium on belief with out sight 29

He performed many more signs then recorded in the Gospel of John 30

He is the Christ, the Son of God 31

His name gives life 31

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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 01, 2010

Jesus in the Gospel of John (20.1-18)

Praying for Our Army Work (Yesterday's Prayer Warriors: 26/100)

Sorry I missed yesterday, Deb and I had a wicked stomach flu. Feeling much better now.

Father, help us to see the power of the resurrection and proclaim Jesus who was able to defeat death. As Jesus now sits at the Your right hand we pray that He will lead us to those You have chosen to be Your children so that we can share the good news that He has risen. We pray for the men and women of Fort Gordon (Staff: Andy and Gwen Chandler, James Carter)

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Jesus in the Gospel of John (20.1-18)

Jesus loved John 2

He was not in the tomb 2

He came out of the linen wrappings 6

He forded the face cloth 7

He fulfilled the Scripture by rising from the dead 9

Jesus appeared to Mary in the garden near the tomb 14

He was not readily recognizable to Mary 14

He spoke to her and called her by name 15-16

He didn’t want her to cling to Him because He hadn’t ascended yet 17

He would ascend to the Father who was His God and their God 17

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