Saturday, December 03, 2011


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… (Matthew 28:19)

The simple act of purchasing four quarts of oil and setting them on the hood of your car doesn’t mean you changed the oil. Nor can you bake a cake by memorizing the recipe on the box. You have to intentionally finish the job. This is so apparent in the natural world. But when it comes to making disciples, we could over mysticize the process. Comments and attitudes like “That’s God’s department” or “I’m not Jesus” not only lack integrity and understanding of the Great Commission, but they also lead to disobedience. We must remember that even though the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the ultimate disciplers, we have been mandated to participate in the process. We must be engaged mentally, emotionally, and physically in helping others become more like Jesus. God does the heavy lifting, but are we playing our role in discipleship and following His command?

What does it take to make a disciple?

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