Tuesday, December 27, 2011


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19)

Ever try to make something -- only to have it turn out to be a disaster? Many times, it's because we put something together without looking at the instructions. And then we wonder why it doesn’t work like it was designed to! The same thing can happen with making a disciple. In fact, Jesus has strong words for those who make disciples and have no clue what they're doing (Matthew 23.15). So what is a disciple of Jesus supposed to look like when we get done? Let me make this really simple. A disciple of Jesus is supposed to be like…well…Jesus! (Luke 6.40, 1 John 2.6, Ephesians 5.1) The first thing we need to do is to take a long, hard look at Jesus in the Scriptures and begin to emulate His character and ways. Then, we become not only a student of Him, but we begin to practice His ways and words and make them our own. The highest form of adoration is emulation. Now, we're on our way to becoming disciples of Jesus and making disciples.

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