“If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.”
(Luke 14:26)
My wife, Deb, and I had just scheduled a date to see downtown Denver when the phone rang. It was a friend of mine who needed my help in Colorado Springs. I promptly canceled the date with Deb and headed down the road. WHAT?! You canceled a date with your wife?! It seems outrageous until you know the circumstances. All of us experience tensions with relationships. Who gets priority – family, friends, co-workers, the boss, a stranger? As you already know, it’s not as easy as “focusing on the family”. That’s why I let one relationship govern the rest. When I put Jesus first, His principles instruct and guide me in all my relationships. And in case you’re wondering, we date often (even as a married couple) and Deb has the same relationship priorities that I do.
(Luke 14:26)
My wife, Deb, and I had just scheduled a date to see downtown Denver when the phone rang. It was a friend of mine who needed my help in Colorado Springs. I promptly canceled the date with Deb and headed down the road. WHAT?! You canceled a date with your wife?! It seems outrageous until you know the circumstances. All of us experience tensions with relationships. Who gets priority – family, friends, co-workers, the boss, a stranger? As you already know, it’s not as easy as “focusing on the family”. That’s why I let one relationship govern the rest. When I put Jesus first, His principles instruct and guide me in all my relationships. And in case you’re wondering, we date often (even as a married couple) and Deb has the same relationship priorities that I do.