Monday, January 16, 2012


“Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.”
(Luke 14:27)

An old Green Beret was explaining their attitude toward the possibility of death during the Vietnam War. He told me the way they were able to operate so efficiently in some very dangerous situations was to count themselves dead already. They saw themselves as dead to their futures, families, and fame. They had only one driving value – complete the mission. In a real sense, this is the same attitude we need to adopt in our relationship with Christ. He calls us to place our lives on the cross, an instrument of death. Like the Green Beret, we also die to our futures, families, and fame. We die to all except one compelling value – Him! We are to love, serve, glorify, and become like Him. But there's a big difference between the follower of Jesus and those who are fighting this world’s wars. The disciple’s death leads to eternal life, abundant life, real life. This is the way of true discipleship – we die to live!

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