Friday, January 06, 2012


“You are the light of the world.”
(Matthew 5:14)

I was holding a flashlight for my dad as we worked under the car. As my mind would drift to other things, so would the light. My father had to remind me to shine the light on the spot where he was working. Jesus reminds us that this is exactly what we should be doing as His disciples. Our spiritual job description is to illuminate where the Father is working. As we live our lives and do the good work of His Kingdom, it should be obvious to the people around us Who God is and what He's doing. The light that we shed is meant to illuminate Him and His glory. But just as I did with my earthly dad, we may also do with our Heavenly Father. We can get distracted and begin to shine the light on ourselves, pet doctrines, worldly philosophies, or even other people. It takes a certain kind of spiritual concentration and the power of the Holy Spirit to stay focused and to keep the light squarely pointed at His Kingdom. Let your light shine…in the right direction!

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