Saturday, February 25, 2012


And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.
(John 8:32)

I was elbow deep in cleaning the sixth commode of the morning. As a Private, cleaning toilets was now a major part of my life-style. This was not exactly what I was aiming for when I dropped out of High School and joined the Army. I wanted to get away from home and be free. Free!? Somehow cleaning toilets didn’t seem very liberating. But, as I obeyed my leaders and grew as a soldier, it became a perfect fit for me (and I got to do a lot more than clean the latrine). Being a soldier is not for everyone but the truth is. Jesus tells us if we start practicing what He says, we will know the truth and it will set us free. On the outset it may not look like freedom but more like a bunch of rules. As we grow in the truth by obeying His word, we are liberated from things that enslave us. Following Him brings us into a perfect fit with our Creator and this truly sets us free!

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