Sunday, July 19, 2015

House of Peace Search with Our House of Peace

Last December we took some Christmas cookies to Randy and Stephanie, our neighbors across the street. We told them that we care about our neighbors and we'd like to pray for them. Randy asked us to pray for his Mom who was having liver trouble. We came back in January to ask how his mother was doing. She had recovered quite nicely but Randy was still a little skittish. In March we went back to see how Mom was doing. Randy seemed warmer to our visit so I shared my one minute story with him and asked if his family would be open to reading more about Jesus. After two Stories of Hope they committed their lives to Christ. We have been taking them through a discipleship process called the Commands of Christ. They were baptized, reading their Bibles and praying several days a week. In the last month this little church of five people shared the gospel with 95 people. They are learning to love God, love people, and make disciples. Today we did Jesus' command to "find a house of peace" (Luke 10.1-11) as the new lesson. I asked them if they were ready to obey Jesus and go find a house of peace and talk to their neighbors.  They were a little fearful but ready to go! They obeyed the command immediately by doing exactly what we did to lead them to Christ. We went to four neighbors and all received our prayers. The discipleship process is coming full circle.

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