Thursday, July 16, 2015

Singular Devotion to Jesus

Keys to the Movement of Jesus Christ - Lessons from Paul’s Second Missionary Journey

Lessons Learned: In my study of Paul’s second missionary journey (Acts 15.36-18.21, Phil, 1 Thes, 2 Thes, 1 Cor, and 2 Cor) and the movement that ensued, I picked up several key elements that threw gas on the movement fire. First and foremost, Paul and the Apostolic team were completely committed to Jesus, His message, His methods, and His mission. To write off this observation of Christ-centeredness as an obvious assumption would be very dangerous as I have witness the conspicuous absence of Jesus in many ministries that claim His name. Paul and his Apostolic Team preached Jesus with simplicity, clarity, and integrity. Their preaching came not only with word but in power, the Holy Spirit, conviction, and their very lives. Paul sums it up nicely when he states; "For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2) This singular devotion to Jesus was by far the most potent ignition, fuel, velocity, and vector of the rise of Christianity and ensured the movement continues to this day.  

 Would I be willing to remove what ever stands between me and this kind of singular devotion to Jesus Christ?

Key Passages: Acts 15:36, Acts 16:10, Acts 16:30–32, Acts 17:2–4, Acts 17:10–12, Acts 17:17–34, Acts 18:4–11, Phil 1:1–11, Phil 1:18–26, Phil 2:1–11, Phil 2:19–30, Phil 3:3, Phil 3:6–11, Phil 3:12–14, Phil 3:17–21, Phil 4:19–20, 1 Th 1:1–5, 1 Th 2:1–8, 1 Th 2:13, 1 Th 3:11–13, 1 Th 4:1–2, 1 Th 5:8–10, 1 Th 5:23–24, 1 Th 5:28, 2 Th 1:1–2, 2 Th 1:7–12, 2 Th 2:1, 2 Th 2:13–14, 2 Th 2:16–17, 2 Th 2:17–3:5, 2 Th 3:6, 2 Th 3:12, 2 Th 3:16,2 Th 3:18, 1 Cor 1:1–3, 1 Cor 1:4–9, 1 Cor 1:9–17, 1 Cor 1:18–25, 1 Cor 1:26–31, 1 Cor 2:1–5, 1 Cor 2:6–13, 1 Cor 2:14–16, 1 Cor 3:1, 1 Cor 3:5–9, 1 Cor 3:10–11, 1 Cor 3:23, 1 Cor 4:1–5, 1 Cor 4:10, 1 Cor 4:14–17, 1 Cor 5:4–5, 1 Cor 5:7, 1 Cor 6:11, 1 Cor 6:13–20, 1 Cor 7:23–24, 1 Cor 7:32–35, 1 Cor 8:6, 1 Cor 8:11, 1 Cor 9:1–2, 1 Cor 9:12–14, 1 Cor 9:16–18, 1 Cor 9:21–23, 1 Cor 9:26–27, 1 Cor 10:1–4, 1 Cor 10:16, 1 Cor 10:21–22, 1 Cor 10:31, 1 Cor 11:1, 1 Cor 11:3, 1 Cor 11:23–26, 1 Cor 11:27, 1 Cor 12:2–3, 1 Cor 12:4–11, 1 Cor 12:11–13, 1 Cor 12:27, 1 Cor 14:37, 1 Cor 15:1–8, 1 Cor 15:12–28, 1 Cor 15:31, 1 Cor 15:50, 1 Cor 15:56–58, 1 Cor 16:22–24, 1 Cor 16:24; 2 Cor 1:1–5, 2 Cor 1:9, 2 Cor 1:12, 2 Cor 1:14, 2 Cor 1:18–22, 2 Cor 2:10, 2 Cor 2:12, 2 Cor 2:14–17, 2 Cor 3:3–6, 2 Cor 3:8, 2 Cor 3:14–18, 2 Cor 4:1–6, 2 Cor 4:7–12, 2 Cor 4:13–15, 2 Cor 5:6–10, 2 Cor 5:11–15, 2 Cor 5:16–21, 2 Cor 6:1–10, 2 Cor 6:14–18, 2 Cor 7:1, 2 Cor 7:9–10, 2 Cor 8:1, 2 Cor 8:9, 2 Cor 8:18, 2 Cor 8:23, 2 Cor 9:13–15, 2 Cor 10:1, 2 Cor 10:5, 2 Cor 10:7–8, 2 Cor 10:13–18, 2 Cor 11:2–4, 2 Cor 11:10, 2 Cor 11:23, 2 Cor 11:31, 2 Cor 12:1–2, 2 Cor 12:8–10, 2 Cor 12:19–20, 2 Cor 13:3–4, 2 Cor 13:5–6, 2 Cor 13:10, 2 Cor 13:11–14

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