Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day 6: Pressing the Envelope for the Kingdom

Now Peter and his companions had been overcome with sleep
(Luke 9:32)

I have men and women in the ministry that I call Warhorses. They are committed to the hilt and run to the point of being expended, pressing the envelope physically and spiritually. They will show up to Bible study or chapel after a week in the field. Hungry and tired, they still make it a priority to minister to others. I think Jesus and His disciple had reached the point of being totally expended by “pressing the envelope” several times in their ministry (Jesus asleep during a storm (Mat 8.24), not being able to eat a meal (Mark 3.20), asleep in the garden (Mat 26.40). It’s a work ethic that Jesus left us through His example and teaching that we seldom hear preached today. Obviously rest has its place but are you pressing yourself for the King and Kingdom?

Application: Next time you’re tired and don’t want to have that quiet time, attend Bible study, or church take it the extra mile and do it anyways.

Day 1: A New Man
Day 2: Blasting Cap Religion
Day 3: Newbies
Day 4: Every Man a Conqueror, The Desire to Win
Day 5: Poncho Liner Poverty
Day 6: Pressing the Envelope for the Kingdom
Day 7: Can You Hear That?
Day 8: Just One Thing
Day 9: The Old Man Wants to See You
Day 10: Two Different Ministries, One Affect