Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Read Matthew 20.17-19

“As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves…” (Matthew 20:17)


If you ask me to keep a secret, I’ll probably ask you if I can tell my wife. I don’t keep many secrets from Deb because we try to tell each other about everything that happens in life. That’s how close Jesus was to His disciples. He just had to pull them aside and give them the inside scoop on what was about to happen to Him for their sake and the glory of God. I know many of us have this kind of relationship with our spouse. But do we have it with men and woman we are discipling? Is there someone we feel compelled to let into the inner circle for the sake of protection, instruction, or rejoicing? It’s amazing how affirming this act of trust can be. If you're looking to build a special relationship with a few disciples, let them into the inner circle of your life.

Who’s in your inner circle? How much can you tell them?

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