Thursday, February 03, 2011


Read Matthew 20.20-28

“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)


In 1722, Count Zinzendorf financed a safe haven on his own property for those being persecuted for the faith. It turned into a small village with many of the new denominations. Unfortunately, it became a hotbed of strife. He and is family moved out of his plush mansion and into the village with the people and began to lead them by reconciling relationships. This act of servant leadership became the Moravian Missionary Movement* that lasted 150 years and sent 2158 missionaries around the world. They had a huge impact on men like William Cary (Father of Protestant Missions) and John Wesley (Founder of the Methodist movement). Zinzendorf led like Jesus: he left his high place and served the people.

How can you use your high place to serve others?

*Movements that Change the World, Steve Addison

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