Monday, January 26, 2009

Verses from the Promises of God Survey

Thanks to all of you who participated in the survey!

John 15:15-17
Isa 43:1-13
Isa 58:7-14
Mt 4.19
Isa 55:3-5:10-11
Mt 6:33
Gen 12:1-3
Isa 37:30-32
Isa 54:1-3
Mt 11.28- 30
Mt 28.18-20
Eze 36:9,10,12
Isa 49:6
Isa 60:22
Isa 61:1-4
Jer 29:11-13
Jer 33:3
Mt 9:35-38
Phil 1:6
2 Peter 1:3-8
2 Timothy 2:2
Eze 36:8-12
Isa 41:10
Isa 42:5-9
Jer 15.19
Jer 17:7-8
Jer 32:27
John 10:26-28
John 15.7
Mark 11:24
Phil 4:13, 19
Ps 107.35-38
Ps 37:3-6
Ps 4:1-8
Ps 67
1 Cor 10:13
1 Cor 15:58
1 Cor 3:11-15
1 John 1:3
1 John 5:11-13
1 John 5:4-5, 4:4
1 Joh. 5:14-15
1 John 1:9
1 John 5:11-12
1 Kings 8:56-61
1 Peter 5:1-4
1 Th 5:24
1 Tim 1:16
1 Tim 2:15
1 Tim 3.1
2 Chron 15:2
2 Cor 1:20
2 Cor 12:9
2 Cor 13:8
2 Cor 5:17-19
2 Cor. 2:14
2 Cor. 4:7
2 Ki 19.29-31
2 Ki 2.2-4
2 Pet 1:3-4
2 Tim 1:7
2 Tim 2:2
Ac 1.8
Col 1:25
Col 2:6
Deut 30.19
Eph 3:21-22
Eph. 2:10; 3:20
Eze 36:33-35
Eze 36:8-12
Gal 3.29-4.2
Gal 3:16
Gal 3:29
Gal 6:9-10
Gen 15:5
Gen 17:7
Gen 28:15
Hab. 2:14
Hag 2.22-23
Heb 10:19-25
Heb 6:12-13
Heb 8:6
Heb. 12:3-13
Isa 22.22
Isa 26:3
Isa 40:31
Isa 43:19
Isa 44:3
Isa 44:5
Isa 49:8-13
Isa 50:7
Isa 52.11-12
Isa 55.3
Isa 57:18
Isa 64:4
Jm 1:5
Jm 4.7-8
Jer 1:4-9, 11
Jer 33:22
Jer 45:5
Joel 3:9-10
John 1:16
John 14:16,21,26
John 15.1-8
John 15:4-5
John 17
John 2:5
John 3:16
John 3:3-6
John 5:24
John 6:27
John 7:17
Jos 1.3, 5
Jos 1.8
Jude 1:24
Lam 3.22-23
Lev 20:24
Lev 26:3-9
Lk 10.2
Lk 14:23-24
Lk 18:29-30
Mal 3.10
Mal. 3:2,3
Mark 13:13
Mark 4:23-25
Mt 16:18
Mt 18:20
Mt 21:22
Mt 26:41
Num 14.8-9
Phil 4:6-7
Prov 16:3
Prov 27.24
Ps 1:1-3
Ps 105:42
Ps 119:92
Ps 12:92-14
Ps 138:7,8
Ps 2:8
Ps 25:12-14
Ps 32:8
Ps 37.34
Ps 46:1-11
Ps 72:18
Ps 84:11
Ps 75:7
Ps 91
Rev 3.7-8;
Rom 15:1-6
Rom 15:18-21
Rom 8:1-39
Rom 8:28
Titus 2:3-5
Zec 1:17
Zec 4.6
Zec 8:11-12

Please leave me your feedback by clicking on "comments" below.

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