'Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' (Jeremiah 33:3)
My last six months in the Ranger battalion proved my mettle as a baby disciple. I found out who was a real friend and who was not. I don't think I tried to convert all my buddies to my new found faith but I drew my share of fire nevertheless. As my fellow Rangers were wondering if this religious phase would pass, we were firing on the rifle range. It was raining so hard that the water would splash into the rear site aperture of my M16A1. It was impossible to continue shooting. As we hung out in the bleachers under the corrugated steel covering, the noise of the rain was deafening. Then one of the guys started to yell over the roar "Hey, why don't we get Wood to pray that the rain would stop since he's all religious now..." Before he could finish his sentence, the rain suddenly and completely stopped. It was like someone snapped their fingers and the clouds obeyed the command immediately. It happened so quickly there was silence in the bleachers (and a little fear). My status as a the Jesus Freak changed to a status of one who had genuinely met God. This little miracle bolstered my faith in Christ and I continued to grow.
Testimony 1: In the Beginning
Testimony 2: Jesus is Watching You
Testimony 3: Paratrooper Religion
Testimony 4: Afraid of being Left Behind
Testimony 5: The Geographical Solution
Testimony 6: The Geographical Solution Fails
Testimony 7: The Seed is Planted
Testimony 8: Spiritual Melee
Testimony 9: Seeing the Light
Testimony 10: Receiving God's Plan for My Life
Testimony 11: A New Creature
Testimony 12: What about You?
Testimony 13: A Little Miracle
Testimony 14: An Apostle to the Soldier
Testimony 15: First Steps toward Growth
Testimony 16: Being Discipled
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