Saturday, November 12, 2011


And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." (Matthew 28:18)


I’ve had leadership roles in my life where I had a lot of authority. But I was never under the delusion that my authority had no constraints. Not so with Jesus’ authority. It had no limitations, no restrictions, absolutely no boundaries. It is completely and unequivocally limitless. How could such authority be given?! Because the Father and the Son were completely aligned in thought, word and deed (Jn 5.19-20, 14.10). And when Jesus used all that authority for making disciples, it wasn’t just a good idea. His command is in perfect sync with what the Father wants. God has ordained that making disciples of Jesus is the primary plan and the only plan to redeem man. In fact, that was their plan from the beginning of time (Rom 8.29). Now with all that power poised behind a single command, it kind of makes you want to sit up and listen, doesn’t it?

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