Monday, November 21, 2011


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…
(Matthew 28:19)

The race official stands at the starting line and raises a pistol in the air. “On your mark, get set…” As he pulls the trigger everyone knows what to do and how to do it. There's only one compelling option, GO! But you know, I’ve heard a hundred messages where it is correctly pointed out the this word “go” in verse 19 in the Greek can mean, “As you are going.” It's true that it can be translated that way. But after Jesus’ huge pronouncement of having all authority in the universe, do you think one should take this as, “Oh, by the way, as you meander through life, if you get a chance, make a few disciples?” By no means! There's a sense of regal empowerment that shocks men and women into action. It’s like flipping the switch on a big generator. Suddenly there’s a million volts of electricity coursing through the cable looking for something to charge full of energy. That’s how we should feel when we hear Jesus say “Go!”

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