Wednesday, November 16, 2011


And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." (Matthew 28:18)

Everybody wants to go to heaven (well, almost everybody). But if you look carefully at the Scriptures, you'll notice that God is always trying to bring a little bit of heaven to earth (Mat 6.10, 9.6, 18.19, 23.9). We always think of the “hereafter”. But God is trying to get us to live in Him in the “here and now.” This is especially true when it comes to bringing His creation under submission to His greatest act of love -- Jesus, His Son. Jesus is the big connection between heaven and earth. God became man, the incarnation (John 1.14) . And He commands us to become His disciples, to follow Him, to become like Him and help others do the same. He dwells in every one of His disciples. And for every disciple that is made on the planet, the earth intrinsically becomes a little more like heaven. So why wait to get to heaven? Let‘s get this party started now! Make disciples!

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