Saturday, January 01, 2011


Read Matthew 17.14-23

“I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not cure him.” (Matthew 17:16)


The chainsaw kicked back and it was a near miss. “Whoa! I won't do it like that again!” Ever utter those words? Can you imagine what your life would be like if you just gave up after a failure? Think about the Apostles. They had been given power to cast out demons way back in Chapter 10 and here they were failing. They just could not get this tough little bugger out. Jesus comes, casts out the demon, and gives further instructions on how to succeed the next time. The guys may not have had enough faith, but at least they kept trying. Think about it. Jesus put those guys to work handling people’s spiritual and physical problems before they were “experts.” That’s a little more dangerous than handling a chainsaw! Jesus has given us the command to go and make disciples, too. (Matthew 28.18-20) The truth is, we will never be good enough to do ministry. It’s all by His grace, anyway. So let’s roll up our sleeves and make some followers of Jesus.

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