Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Taking Care of Your Own

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10

I got the grand tour of the USS Enterprise, one of America’s finest weapon platforms. My fellow Navy Chaplain gave my family and I a four-hour walk about that even included eating lunch with the sailors. By the time we left, we had a pretty good understanding of the “Big E” and her capabilities. As we departed for the shore, I discovered others who were a little less enthusiastic about their tour of the aircraft carrier. They didn’t have a personal tour guide and were confined to the flight deck and the hanger one deck below. I listened to their disappointment and I realized the great benefits of my relationship with my fellow chaplain. It’s like the advantage we have as Christians. We belong to the family of believers. Certainly, we should take care of all people but we are also encouraged to give special priority to our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are the family of God, look out for one another. SP242