Contemporary Christianity has made a huge mistake of not feeding the lost. We try to entertain them, trick them, and coax them into the Kingdom and when we mention the Lordship of Jesus Christ, they are “outta there.” One of the most prominent churches in America made the bold admission that their tactics were not working to help people truly experience spiritual transformation. Reason: they weren’t feeding them what they needed or they weren’t really spiritually hungry. In other words, you get what you pay for.
In our ministries, we are not looking for people who want to satisfy their spiritual appetite. Of course we lose some in the process, but it’s not because they feel like they were tricked. The wheat are separated from the chaff better when it is clear what you are inviting them to eat. If you advertise steak and serve up brussel sprouts, they have a right to be upset.
How did Jesus invite people into the Kingdom? Sure, He healed and fed people, but His message was always upfront and clear, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Mt 4.17) The people knew that following Jesus meant life changes. They understood there were expectations of obedience and lordship. The parables may have been mysterious, but there was no mistaking His call for radical life changes. And yes, He was very gracious at the same time. But you cannot deny the message of submitting oneself to the will of the Father. I think spiritual hungry people expect this message from us. The Holy Spirit has already bid them to repent and follow. Why would we remain silent and deprive them of the spiritual nutrients that will change their eternity? Why wouldn’t we get knee deep in the Bible and tell them everything about Jesus?
Ignore the signs! DO feed the Lost!
A Love Hate Relationship with Evangelism
LOST - They are not on an Island!
Evangelism: Methods or Majesty
Reaching the Far Lost, How would Jesus do it?
The Near Lost - Low Hanging Fruit
A Strategy for the Near Lost
Inside Out Witnessing
The Shocking Reality - Cold Contacts
Do Not Feed the Lost?
Leaders: Do the Math
A Summary of the Living and Discipling Among the Lost
LOST - They are not on an Island!
Evangelism: Methods or Majesty
Reaching the Far Lost, How would Jesus do it?
The Near Lost - Low Hanging Fruit
A Strategy for the Near Lost
Inside Out Witnessing
The Shocking Reality - Cold Contacts
Do Not Feed the Lost?
Leaders: Do the Math
A Summary of the Living and Discipling Among the Lost
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© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved
© 2008, 2009 Following Jesus by Chuck Wood All Rights Reserved