Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Duplicity of Man

Being deeply grieved, they each one began to say to Him, "Surely not I, Lord?" (Matthew 26:22)

“What a great come back,” you think to yourself. The insulting retort finds it's mark and you wish you had said it first. Your admiration turns to guilt as you realize the Lord Jesus would not have had such a thought. You have proven your double-mindedness. Ever experienced this?

The disciples were well aware of this double-mindedness in themselves. They make somewhat of a confession when Jesus points out that a traitor is among them. They all suspect themselves; “is it I Lord?” Dallas Willard, in his book, “Renovation of the Heart” calls this the duplicity of man. It is the propensity within a man to think both good and evil at the same time. Some may be satisfied with a little good. But evil is a polluting agent that ruins the whole. This realization would be too much to bear apart from the love of Christ. Thank God He sanctifies our minds as well (1 Thes 5.23).

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