The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with lovingkindness.”( Jeremiah 31:3 )
Bunched up so one grenade could kill them all, it happened with out fail. As the Ranger Students would cross the objective during a cold winter’s raid, they would invariably end up some where near the fire. The OPFOR always had a fire on the objective to illuminate (makes it easier for the Rangers to find) and for warmth. Violating the principle of dispersion the light and heat was just too much for these frozen Hooahs to resist. Life is the same. It’s cold out there and it can be bitter to the bone sometimes. But the light and warmth of God’s love is irresistible. Come in out of the cold.
Application: Share the love of God with one person this week. Invite them to church, Bible study, or a fellowship activity. Tell them what Jesus has done in your life. Or share a passage of encouraging scripture.