Tuesday, March 11, 2008

He’s Got You Covered

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Psalm 22:1

As we maneuvered during the live fire, the sound of ricocheting bullets at the top of the hill sent chills down my spine. It wasn’t combat but as close as it gets. As part of our drill, we all dropped to the ground in the waist high grass. Suddenly, I lost all contact with my squad. There was this unique sensation of being totally alone in a very dangerous situation. The loneliness and the paralyzing effects of fear and stress begin to take over. But in reality, my ranger buddy was no more than a few feet away. Then I heard those reassuring words, “Wood, move forward, I got you covered!” I’m sure you could multiply that by 100 times in real combat, but what about the battles of life. The bullets of reality start flying, we duck for cover and suddenly we feel completely alone. Sometimes we may even feel abandoned by God. But in reality, He is always right there with us. Trust Him; move forward, He’s got you covered. SP216