Friday, March 07, 2008

Navigational Assistance

Jesus said, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Luke 19:10

The new LT had all five map-sheets spread out on the ground and he was looking in several different directions. He was lost and lost in a big way. As I walked up, I could tell he was a little embarrassed and didn't want to ask for help. But, he would certainly accept a little coaching if it were presented in the right way. That's how I often see folks around me as they try to figure out where they are spiritually. They have life all spread out in every direction. They are lost in a big way. Our job is to help them navigate their way to faith in Jesus without being condescending or judgmental. I have dedicated my life to helping people plot a course that leads to eternal life in Christ. Do you know the way? If so, show someone else. If not, let me suggest going to this website and then get back with me by filling in a comment on my blog. We’ll see if that doesn’t give you some direction. SP213

Click on the link below for going from lost to found: