Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Knowing it By Heart

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11

I remember memorizing the Ranger Creed as a young Specialist and wondered why we had to drone on in monotonous repetition. I was a knucklehead and after a few hundred push-ups, I could finally recite the creed without error. In recent years, I have realized memorization is an important tool that infuses values and vision. In today’s Army, soldiers of every branch are required to memorize script that includes the Soldier’s Creed and the Army Song. Just the other day I heard a resounding rendition of the NCO creed. The more these words are internalized, the more they can change the way soldiers think and act. We really ought to do the same with scripture. We should have a “basic load” of Bible verses that address key areas of the Christian life. This discipline of memorizing scripture can make a major impact in our lives. Start with your top ten verses. SP205