Thursday, May 01, 2008

Helicopters and Babies

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us Ephesians 3:20

My radio crackled, “Whiskey One Five, Stand by, Aircraft is inbound.” I thought, “We still have 30 minutes till RI change over.” I got on the radio, “This is Whisky One Five, SITREP, Over.” “Your wife is having a baby, that’s what!” I gave my fellow RI the student’s evaluation reports as the Blackhawk landed on the LZ. We flew over the camp where I thought I’d get in my car and drive to the hospital, but we kept flying. We landed right on Dahlonega hospital’s helipad and I jumped out camouflage, rucksack and all. I ran into the maternity ward for the much-expected arrival of my first-born. I had been praying for his birth for months but I never expected my ride to the hospital to be so exciting. The events around my son’s birth demonstrated to me that God is able do to above and beyond my wildest expectations. Both of my sons are living proof to that fact. SP250

Whiskey One Five – Wood, 15 Staff, my Radio Call Sign
RI – Ranger Instructor
SITREP – Situation Report
LZ – Landing Zone