Friday, June 13, 2008

Unfolding the Map

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130

I was having a particularly tough time keeping this bunch of ranger students on course. Every few minutes they were either heading the wrong direction or under their ponchos with red lenses making a map check. After a few hours of weaving back and forth across the desert floor, I told the patrol leader to show me on his map where he was. Then the problem was obvious. As we unfolded the map together, this poor ranger student slowly recognized the error of his way. You see, we were at Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah and he was using a map from the mountain phase in Dahlonega, Georgia. Right country, wrong state. The same thing can happen to us when we only read small portions of the Bible and pick and choose what we want to learn. We don’t get the big picture and we can actually be pretty lost in our misunderstandings of the scriptures. Navigating life is a little easier when I survey the whole landscape of God’s Word. SP286